The two players are standing facing each other. Between them there are two boxes, one for player A, the other for player B.
Player A starts, he may look into his box. The other player (B) may not look into the box and does not know what is in his box (or the other).
Player A can now either keep his own Box, or swap it with B's box. In addition, he may speak about his motives, why he keep the box or switched it.
Once A is ready and happy, B's turn starts. He now may take the ultimate decision: does he keep his current box, or does he switch it with the current box of A? His decision is final - whichever box he chooses, is his.
Aim of the game for both players obviously is to end up with the carrot. For that, player A has to bluff as best as possible, so that B ultimately selects the wrong (empty) box. B on the other hands needs to call the bluff of A. B has the "easier" task, as he has the ultimate decision; on the other hand, he has much less information than A (who actually knows which box contains the carrot).